Andy Warhol’s artworks as tokenized investments on FreeportTechnology

Andy Warhol’s artworks as tokenized investments on Freeport

A blockchain-based network called Freeport is about to be launched. This means investing in fine art will soon receive a…

Bitcoin setting newest record since June reaching $30,000Bitcoin

Bitcoin setting newest record since June reaching $30,000

As traders set their eyes on $30,000 for the first time in more than nine months, Bitcoin soared back above…

CFTC lawsuit leading to $1.6 billion crypto withdrawalsCryptocurrencies

CFTC lawsuit leading to $1.6 billion crypto withdrawals

The Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), a leading US regulator, sued Binance. As a result, investors withdrew nearly $1.6 billion…

Bank turmoil against world economyEconomy

Bank turmoil against world economy

Officials from the Federal Reserve announced their anticipation of a slowdown in bank lending. Critics link the decision to the…

Microsoft introduces an AI-powered cyber defense copilotNews

Microsoft introduces an AI-powered cyber defense copilot

Yesterday, the business announced Security Copilot at Microsoft Safe, its first annual customer-focused event. This security tool allows defenders to…

The price of oil rises over $3 due to Iraq’s decisionCommodities

The price of oil rises over $3 due to Iraq’s decision

On Monday, oil prices increased by more than $3 as concerns about oil supply increased as Iraq halted certain exports…