Microsoft introduces an AI-powered cyber defense copilot

Microsoft introduces an AI-powered cyber defense copilot

Yesterday, the business announced Security Copilot at Microsoft Safe, its first annual customer-focused event. This security tool allows defenders to use AI to counter cyber threats at a pace and scale never before seen.

Copilot uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 technology to improve security. It gives security experts useful, actionable insights to help them recognize and defend against cyberattacks.

Security Copilot will make it easier for defenders to sort through web traffic congestion and identify malicious activities by offering summaries and understandable analyses of threat intelligence.

A news release adds that the Microsoft Security Team is now keeping an eye on more than 250 different cybercriminal organizations connected to nation-states, as well as more than 50 ransomware gangs. Also, the team gets 65 trillion threat signals daily.

Microsoft also asserted that its technology thwarts more than 25 billion attempts at password theft per second. Additionally, Microsoft employs approximately 8,000 security experts who examine a huge volume of security signals. Microsoft’s Security Operations Center experts typically draw information from over 100 different sources.

Intuitive assistant combines the company’s substantial threat intelligence capabilities with the best knowledge in the field. Hence, Microsoft’s AI-powered Security Copilot will improve the work of security professionals.


Security Copilot now provides access to OpenAI models and Microsoft’s threat analysis capabilities to improve security

The Security Copilot will continuously provide access to the most cutting-edge OpenAI models to assist with demanding security tasks. To provide better insight into risks, it uses the security data from the client organization and Microsoft’s vast threat analysis capabilities.

Only a private preview of Microsoft Security Copilot is currently accessible.

Microsoft has been able to acquire security software providers like RiskIQ and Miburo. Such an approach gave access to various signals and in-depth intelligence on threat actors. In order to help customers, Security Copilot also seamlessly interfaces with a growing number of Microsoft Security solutions, including Sentinel and Defender.

The tech giant announced the debut of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Copilot, billed as the first copilot in both customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Moreover, the tech behemoth introduced “Copilot X,” an improved version of the copilot, its AI code helper with new GPT-4 capabilities, on GitHub. The website is also receiving a few updates, including modifications to the pull request system.