Economy News

$400 Unemployment Benefits are Coming but with Negativities

The United States President, Donald Trump, signed an executive order on Saturday. The order will partially extend the $600 per…

4 years ago

Gold Prices, November Elections, and Development of Vaccine

In the next three years, Gold prices can forge ahead to $4,000 per ounce. Nevertheless, factors such as the November…

4 years ago

Coronavirus, the United States Economy, and the Politics

For the coronavirus era, there is one surprisingly good forecasting rule. It is to take whatever Trump administration officials say…

4 years ago

The Federal Reserve and Congress on a Stimulus Efforts

Congress and the Federal Reserve are pushing stimulus efforts to new heights. Investors keep a close eye on a surge…

4 years ago

$600 Federal Unemployment Insurance Boost and Donald Trump

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that he could support an extension of the now-lapsed $600 federal unemployment…

4 years ago

Trump over the Stimulus Talks and “Crazy Nancy”

Top advisers met with Democratic leaders to try to hash out a compromise. The United States President Donald Trump hurled…

4 years ago

Most State Voters are Supporting $600 weekly Benefits

 Congress is debating how to shape the next phase of coronavirus relief. In six swing states, most voters want lawmakers…

4 years ago

Senate Republicans, Extra Benefits and Payment, Packages

On Monday, Senate Republicans unveiled a coronavirus relief package. The package reduces the size of enhanced unemployment benefits. In the…

4 years ago

The United States Economy and the Selfishness of Americans

The response from Americans to the coronavirus crisis has resulted in a lose-lose-situation. Trump's administration and governors, like Florida’s Ron…

4 years ago

Democrats for $600 Benefits and Republicans – $200 Benefits

Steny Hoyer is house Majority Leader. On Tuesday, he said that Democrats want to agree to a new coronavirus stimulus…

4 years ago

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