Artificial Intelligence: Recipes, Poems, and News Stories

Artificial Intelligence: Recipes, Poems, and News Stories

Last week I whipped up a batch of cookies of watermelon. It is a recipe for watermelon along with egg white, sugar, flour, and few other ingredients. The directions were quite simple: You must stir the watermelon gently in a saucepan filled with sugar water over medium-high heat. Then, you must add in the egg white, and mix in flour, salt, and baking powder. Nevertheless, the result was hardly edible. It looked more like a watermelon omelet muffin rather a cookie. It tasted like a gloopy, sugary nightmare. Only a four-year-old girl liked it. She said it felt weird. Nevertheless, she protested when I threw them in the compost. If a friend would have sent me that recipe, I would have been disappointed and wondered what trauma had led him/her to that horrific assemblage. Nevertheless, artificial intelligence has produced such a recipe. I was in shock after hearing this.

The food tasted terrible. Nevertheless, the recipe was written so smoothly that it could have easily been concocted by a watermelon-loving human.

Artificial Intelligence

New Artificial intelligence software can generate a watermelon cookie recipe. It is just one of the countless text-based things that AI can make. This software comes from nonprofit research company OpenAI. Elon Musk co-founded the company and counts Microsoft as one of its backers. Feed it with a few sentences or words – the first line of a news story, a fragment of a poem, the start of the recipe – and it will do its best to expand the prompt. It does this by creating text that matches the style of the original as closely as it can. The results can be disturbing, wacky, weird, or something else entirely.

Moreover, it can go on for various paragraphs while sticking to the same subject matter. This shows how skilled computers have become at producing coherent-sounding text. Nevertheless, they do not understand the meaning behind the words they string together.